Monday, January 31, 2011

Don't Let Ego ....get in the way of the "Golden Rule"......

In a time when our society has perhaps forgotten the Golden Rule..."Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".
Complaining and reacting are patterns through which "our" ego takes hold.. For many people, a part of their emotional activity consists of complaining and reacting to various things and circumstances. By doing this, you make others or a circumstance "wrong" and yourself "right."

Through being "right," you feel superior, in charge , though this intimidation you strengthen your sense of self., your ego. In reality, you are strengthening the illusion of ego. In the eyes of others you become a complainer, a pessimist...someone to avoid at all cost.

Can you observe these traits within yourself and recognize the complaining voice in your head ...perhaps it should be muted , at least for a while.
In understanding our emotions, and not letting the ego create a judgment, that complaining voice holds less power over us. Think more of others instead of self, do not allow the whispering in your ear to take hold of your life. Do the "right" thing for others , not just for ego or self.
And it moves us all... Through despair and hope, Through faith and love..
Til we find our place ..In the path unwinding..... 
 In the Circle The Circle of Life

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