Monday, February 14, 2011

Love Delayed for 57 Years....

"He stands close to my mother, without touching, staring worshipfully at her, rather than looking at the person taking the picture," Nancy Rossman read from the book she wrote for her mother, 'First Love, Last Dance.' The man staring worshipfully at her mother is not her father.

"11Alive News first introduced you to Peter and Elise Eaves last year, almost 92-year-old lovebirds who married each other in their 70's. The two first fell in love more than 70 years ago, but because Elise's mother disapproved, they wound up with other people. When their spouses died, they found each other again and the story of their reconnection became Rossman's book. Our story aired, then it was on CNN, and the little book that was a gift, caught fire."
"Elise and Peter first met in 1938 in Atlanta. Elise was a UGA student born and raised in Ansley Park. She met Peter at a noon hour dance one day.
"I was leaning over the piano watching somebody play when he walked up. I thought he was cute," says Elise, laughing. "He was very persistent, he asked me out, just put the pressure on."
The story after that unfolded much the way you would expect. They fell in love and got engaged. Then Peter was drafted in 1941. While he was gone, Elise's mother pressured her.
"My mother did not like him. She kept telling me he would not make me happy, he would not be a good husband. Back then you thought your mother knew best."
Elise broke the engagement.
Sitting together on the couch in their home they talked about what it was like to have a second chance 57 years later. "

Watch the video which tell their story of a love that never ended....and they happiness they found after all these years.


  1. That was definitely an aww moment. Thanks, that brought a big smile to my face. I'm so glad they were finally able to get together.
